Latest in the Series

Evaluation and Maintenance (Ep #104)

In Dave Fornell’s Fire Stream Management Handbook, Evaluation and Testing is covered thoroughly in its own dedicated chapter.  In this episode Dave discusses what goes into doing it properly and the importance of being diligent in your efforts to be successful on the fire ground.  CONNECT...


Extending with an Increaser (Ep #103)

In standpipe operations the time may occur that you stretch short or just need more working length. Using an Increaser this evolution is simplified. Specially designed to be compact and without rocker lugs, Eric Tollund breaks down how to perform this operation using one. CONNECT WITH US Click Here...


Extending and Securing (Episode #102)

Extending a line using a leader line tip or from a shutoff is an operation that can happen when a smaller line may be needed for maneuverability or mop up after a hit with a 2-1/2”.  In this episode Jon Hall reviews this tactic and some considerations for extending the line and securing it. CONNECT...


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About the Series

Get Ready to Get Down to BRASS TACKS and HARD FACTS!

Utilizing some of the country’s top engine company instructors, we are checking our emotions at the door and presenting the pros and cons of the relevant engine company topics in the fire service. Part Art. Part Science.

This educational video series will be sure to leave you a better informed about nozzles, flows, your fire flow system, and engine company operations as a discipline.

This site is your central location for the entire library of this series.

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