Latest in the Series

Overcoming Nozzle Whip (Episode 30)

Nozzle/Hose Whip is a term often used for erratic movement and kinking in smaller, 1.5 coupling hand lines at the nozzle position. Often referred to as a "nozzle weight" problem; hose construction and diameter inconsistencies are often the greatest variables.


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About the Series

Get Ready to Get Down to BRASS TACKS and HARD FACTS!

Utilizing some of the country’s top engine company instructors, we are checking our emotions at the door and presenting the pros and cons of the relevant engine company topics in the fire service. Part Art. Part Science.

This educational video series will be sure to leave you a better informed about nozzles, flows, your fire flow system, and engine company operations as a discipline.

This site is your central location for the entire library of this series.

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