A break from our Brass Tacks & Hard Facts releases to show the authenticity behind what we do.

Elkhart Brass has been committed to innovation, product performance and servicing customers since day 1.

Manufacturing a product that’s reliable and built to last…”is in our blood.”

Take a look and hear what those who are driving the effort have to say.

Learn more at ElkhartBrass.com

Chris Martin

Chris has been in the fire service for 20 years and is a certified Indiana State Fire Instructor II/III. He worked as a student firefighter at the University of Notre Dame, where he earned his Bachelor of Business Administration Degree, majoring in Marketing.

He holds the rank as Engineer and serves as a Field Training Officer with the Clay Fire Territory in South Bend, Indiana where he has worked positions from firefighter up to Captain.

Chris has worked for Elkhart Brass since 2000, functioning in Regional Sales Manager positions both domestically and internationally.

Currently he is the Municipal Product Manager. In this role he focuses exclusively on new product development, technical training, and extensive interaction with end users and distribution to ensure that the voice of the customer is heard and understood.

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About the Series

Get Ready to Get Down to BRASS TACKS and HARD FACTS!

Utilizing some of the country’s top engine company instructors, we are checking our emotions at the door and presenting the pros and cons of the relevant engine company topics in the fire service. Part Art. Part Science.

This educational video series will be sure to leave you a better informed about nozzles, flows, your fire flow system, and engine company operations as a discipline.

This site is your central location for the entire library of this series.

Meet the Instructors